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Photography contribution in Indian cinema

Photography was invented in 19th century. The word photography comes from two Greek words that mean “writing with light.” Photography soon became famous and interest to the people as a threat to miniature paintings which enjoyed popular auspices at that time. Photography are such contained a realistic image which was more objective than subjective and its novelty appealed to those who preferred an exact likeness.
Protagonists of art suggested that photography be used to preserve paintings etc. and not replace them, in the same way as printing and typing or shorthand had helped preserve literature. Photography itself has been defined as an essentially modern art because of its relative newness and its reliance on the machine like camera.
To demonstrate that imagination, artistic sensitivity, and individual style were possible with the camera, many photographers began to increase the photographic process more directly, either through chemical and mechanical means or through crafts. But photography did not really replace the traditional art of painting. Instead it went on to glow into the powerful visual communication medium of cinema and television besides resulting in an excellent pictorial record of history.
While photographs of decaying and derelict theatres, cinemas and other formerly grand public spaces have been emerging from cities. Forget the black box you walk into at your multiplex, these cinemas are patronage, full of colour, patronage and exquisite detail. They evoke a time when going to the cinema was an event to experience from start to finish. In cinema they have decided to spotlight the movie palaces to the independent movie houses because of using the photography.
Photography which gives the entire clarity to the real picture cinema in the scene is describing the story in the visualizing manner. Once the picture comes good then only the story have some sense to the watchers. Photography gives lives to the cinema. Photography updated much from the past days with the varieties and containing enormous number of tools to print the pictures.

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