Submit your most creative landscape shots, beaches, rivers, falls for this contest.
Submissions: Each participant can submit Only One Photograph.
Entry Fee: FREE
Last Date to Submit: All entries must be submitte on or before August 30, 2017 11.30PM IST
1st 5 Winners will be Featured On SWOT MEDIA and they will be officially announced as PRO Photographer worldwide, and they can participate all our upcoming premium contests without any entry fee.
6th to 15th Winners will receive SWOT MEDIA PRO PHOTOGRAPHER CERTIFICATION (online)
All entries need to be made online as uploads.
Entrants must be above 18 years old.
There are no print entries. Entries sent through email, prints, or through any other means, will not be considered.
Entrants must ensure that they use the latest versions of Internet Explorer, Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to register, login and upload entries.
Images must be in JPEG files with a minimum resolution of 1600x1200. The file size should not exceed 1MB.
There must be no identifying marks, names, dates or copyright information on the face of the images uploaded. This will immediately eliminate that image as an entry.
While there are no restrictions on the type of camera used, uploaded images made with digital cameras of any sort must contain the original EXIF metadata information.
Scanned film or prints must contain scanner EXIF metadata information.
Once an entry is uploaded, the system does not allow for modification or deletion of that entry.
Entrants must ensure that they select their entries carefully before uploading.
Entrants are not allowed to register themselves more than once with different identities. Any entrant found doing so, will be immediately disqualified.
The submission photography must not having any watermarks and should be your own creation.
We just publish your photo after you won the contest. Copyright of your photo remains of your own.
A panel of judges will be appointed by SWOT Media to judge the competition during all its phases. Judging of entries will be anonymous, with no information about participants or images or videos available to judges. Entries will be judged on the basis of relevance, interpretation, expression, emotive content, creativity, technique and aesthetics of an image or set of images. Judging will occur on the basis of an automated system of points awarded for images moving into successive rounds of eliminations.
Entrants may be contacted for a high-resolution JPEG or RAW file of their image, original unedited footage, and other identification / age / residence documents, etc., for potential shortlisting purposes during the competition. Failure to produce such details within three days will eliminate an entrant from the shortlisting process.
The decision of the judges will be final. SWOT Media will not enter into any correspondence regarding the judging or the organization of the competition.
*Timelines are subject to change. Keep a watch on this site for any updates.